Saturday, March 21, 2015

Homemade Mayonnaise

My mom loves making everything from scratch. At a time she had started making mayonnaise for my dad's sandwiches from scratch. I was inspired and wanted to make homemade mayonnaise for some lobster salad and as a dip for some fried green tomatoes. I tried it without having high hopes because I know that sometimes it just doesn't set up and you are left with oily eggs....but with persistence and diligence the mayo came out great :). I was very pleased and it went very well with the other recipes I had planned.

Homemade Mayonnaise

Servings: About 1 cup mayonnaise Time: Under 10 minutes Source: Inspired by Epicurious Homemade Mayonnaise

1 whole egg at room temperature
1/2 cup vegetable oil

Step 1
Crack egg in a medium sized bowl. With an electric mixer mix briefly until very jumbled.
Step 2 
With mixer on high speed add the oil a couple of drops at a time. Once all oil has been incorporated keep mixing on high for about 8 minutes or until the mixture has thickened and lightened.

Note: Epicurious has this caution statement at the bottom of the recipe that I used as my guide: Raw egg is not recommended for infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. To avoid the risk of salmonella infection, you can use pasteurized egg instead.
Pictures Of The Process

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