Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gallo Pinto [Fried Rice & Beans]

Discovering this delicious dish was an unexpected surprise. I was oblivious to Gallo Pinto until a few years ago when I was taught how to cook it. The person teaching me comes from a region in Central America where Gallo Pinto is common place, in fact it is the national dish. Gallo Pinto literally means "Painted rooster." The rice acquires its distinctive "painted" color from the beans.

Rainforest Costa Rica
Since I love regional world dishes stumbling onto this new challenge motivated me to learn how to cook it. I was determined to get it right. It goes without saying that I have made many "Failure" Gallo Pinto attempts along the way. At one point I even forgot to fry it in the oil! Now I cook Gallo Pinto very often. The saltiness of the bean soup really pairs well being toasted with the rice.
Traditional Costa Rican painted ox cart. Used to transport coffee from the lush hills.

This dish has many variations depending on which Hispanic country you venture to. This dish is the Nicaraguan and Costa Rican version. I am thankful to have found this delicious dish and I'm sure you will be just as delighted when you try it.

Gallo Pinto

Serves: 2 Servings of 1 and 3/4 Cups
Time: 15- 20 Minutes [This time does not include the time of making one batch of Homemade Bean Soup, making your own homemade boiled beans is the best way to go for this recipe. That way you can add more broth from the beans and adjust the salt to a higher level which is what really enhances the gallo pinto.]
Source: Family Recipe

3 and 1/2 Cups Cooked Rice
2/3 Cup Beans from Bean Soup [Not Canned] Drained from the liquid  
1/4 Cup Bean Soup Liquid
1/3 Cup oil [I used Canola Oil]

Delicious Additions:
The following are just additions you can use to garnish the dish or eat as a side with the gallo pinto.
Sliced Ripe Avocadoes
Thick Julienne Sliced Queso De Freir or Queso Blanco
Fresh Tortillas

Special Utensils:
Large Non-Stick Pot

Pre Recipe:
1] Have Bean Soup made.
2] Have rice cooked.


1] Pre-heat a large non-stick pot for 1 minute over medium heat.

2]Add oil and allow to heat for 1 minute.

3] Add beans and bean soup liquid to oil
     [You should hear the sizzle as the beans enter the oil. If not it is fine but it indicates the oil was not hot enough. Also be careful as oil may splash if overheated]

5] Turn up the heat to between medium and medium high.

4]Allow beans and bean soup liquid to fry in oil for 6-7 minutes. Stir occasionally with a slightly rounded spatula mashing the beans as you stir. Bean soup liquid will have thickened. Avoid letting the beans and bean soup burn.
   [A tell tale sign that they are done is that the beans have acquired a grainy looking exterior somewhat similar to a raisin. Mash the beans according to how you prefer them.This Gallo Pinto is  traditionally done with the beans slightly half mashed.]

5] Add rice to the fried bean mixture.

6] Stir vigorously with spatula until the thickened bean soup mixture has evenly coated all of the rice.
[Caution: As you add the rice and stir vigorously be wary of the hot steam.]

7] Once all of the rice is coated. Stir about every 20 seconds so that the rice is evenly toasted throughout.

8] A tell tale sign that the rice has been toasted enough is that individual rice grains will shake by themselves. Also as you stir you will notice the rice that touches the pan will crust together occasionally as you lift them up while you stir. This process happens in 6-8 minutes.
[The aroma is somewhat similar to that of popcorn from the toasted rice.]

9] Remove from heat and let cool to your desired temperature for serving. Sprinkle with salt to your liking.

Pictures of the Process


+ Beans + Bean liquid

+ rice

Gallo Pinto :)

Delicious Additions:
Sliced avocadoes

Thick Julienne Cut pieces of Queso de Freir  or Queso Blanco
1]The pieces of cheese can be served cold to room temperature or they can be served the traditional way which includes arranging the pieces of the Gallo Pinto serving plate before the Gallo Pinto is ready and microwaving them for about 1 minute in the microwave or until they have melted to your liking.

2]Queso de Freir or Queso Blanco are cheeses that you can find in the Latin section of the cheese aisle.

Shelf Life: The Gallo Pinto can be kept refrigerated in an airtight container for about 12 hours. To revive heat in the microwave for about 1 minute or to your desired liking.

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